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Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)
Barrel hinges don't lend themselves too well to
/in News /by annieBarrel hinges don’t lend themselves too well to routers and jigs. We needed to sharpen the chisels for these bad boys. Barrel hinges don't lend themselves too well to routers and jigs. We needed to sharpen the chisels for these bad boys. A post shared by john allen (@allenbuilt) on Aug 30, 2017 at 7:11pm […]
It has been a while since we have
/in News /by annieIt has been a while since we have done insurance work. This poor house received a black eye from a 80′ oak. The brick was knocked 4″ out of plumb. We will be doing some interesting leap-frogging taking it down and bringing it back up. Stay tuned. It has been a while since we have […]
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